sobota, 10. april 2021


Ste se že kdaj strinjali s pogoji uporabe katere koli aplikacije ali spletnega mesta, ne da bi ga prebrali? Seveda ste. Vsi. Po raziskavi skoraj 91% internetnih potrošnikov soglaša s pogoji, ne da bi jih prebral. In to je v resnici nekako normalno. Večina brošur o pogojih uporabe je precej dolgih in preveč zapletenih, da bi jih razumeli običajni ljudje in danes v tem hitrem svetu nimamo dovolj časa za branje celotnih pogojev in politike zasebnosti. Poleg tega mnogi od nas mislijo, da so te brošure s splošnimi in tehničnimi navodili le formalnosti in zato ne potrebujejo posebne pozornosti. Toda to ni res. Te brošure s pogoji uporabe vsebujejo veliko kritičnih informacij, ki jih moramo upoštevati pri uporabi teh storitev. Zato je zelo treba razumeti, kaj te brošure dejansko pripovedujejo. Več na: 

/Analyzing the Privacy Policy and T&C of Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram 

March 18, 2021 Have you ever agreed with the T&C /terms&conditions/ of any app or website without reading it? Of course, you have. All of us do. According to a survey, almost 91% of internet consumers give consent to the terms and conditions without reading them. And this is kind of normal actually. Most of the T&C brochures are pretty long and too complicated to understand for normal people and today in this rapid world, we don’t have enough time to read the entire T&C and privacy policy. Moreover, many of us think that these T&C brochures are just formalities and hence do not need any special attention. But this is not true. These T&C brochures contain a lot of critical information that we should keep in mind while using those services. So it is very much necessary to understand what these brochures tell actually..../

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